Saturday, November 22, 2008

We're Out of The ICU!

Last night, Chloe had a great night. She had little to no seizures and her fever went down. So, today at around 3pm, they moved us up to the 8th floor out of the ICU!! Oh my goodness. The pictures that I have for you guys to see. And the videos that I have. Chloe had her second bath today when we got into the room since she's had her surgery. She did not like it at all. She gave Dominique a hard time. So hard that her oxygen was going down, so the sweet nurse, Elisabeth put the oxygen up to her face. Chloe got mad, picked up that oxygen mask and threw it at Dominique! It was the funniest thing! And so cute.
So, Chloe is doing a great job, you guys! But jut keep praying for her that her fever will go down and stay down. Then also that we can go home already!

So, I've set up a paypal accound and trying to get it on here so that if anyone wants to make donations to Chloe and her family, they may do so at any time. It's hard to ask for help or sometimes to even accept financial help. But, since Chloe's been in the hospital, Dominique has missed many days of work and Jeremy has missed some as well. Jeremy has returned to work but Dominique hasn't left the hospital since Chloe's arrival. So, we would appreciate any giving anyone may do. :)

Last night I wrote that we were bedless to sleep. Well, I told my Mom and they were able to pay for us a hotel and Dominique and I had a great night sleep.

Well, that is all for now. So, keep checking back for more updates on Chloe: God's little miracle.


  1. Hey Tiff, Chloe and family,
    Just wanted to let you all know that we are praying for you and especially for Chloe's complete recovery. It's so wonderful to serve a God that heals and restores His precious children!! I requested prayer at our church today so Chloe has lots more people praying for her now. Love you all.
    Rev. Kevin, Vicki and Preston

  2. I am so glad to find out that you have done this blog! I have been wondering what the progress is!!! Glad to hear that things are going good. I am still praying for her and peace for mommy,daddy, and the rest of the family. You are a great aunt to stay right by there side. I am sure that Dominique is proud to have you there! Keep us posted and can not wait to see the pics and videos!!!
