Friday, November 21, 2008

Oh the nurses that we see!!

Today is not starting off so great. Well, we don't know how Chloe's night went. We don't know how Chloe is REALLY doing today. Reason why? The nurse that Chloe has today is a, for lack of a better word, dork!
When I entered Chloe's room this morning, she was crying. Chloe never cries. So, I put my stuff in the closet and proceeded to her bedside. I held her hand and told her she was ok that we loved her and asked her if she wanted to sing a song. Well, of course, she did! :)
So, we sang, "Jesus Loves Me" and "You Are My Sunshine". Then she was fine. She closed her eyes and wasn't crying anymore. But, she kind of starts crying then stops. Waits a while then cries again. So, when the nurse finally graced us with her presence, I asked her if Chloe was in pain because she's crying. She said, "I don't know." And that was it!!!!
Dominique tried to talk to her to tell her that she don't normally do this. Something is going on and it needs to be fixed... The lady just looked on her computer and that was it!!
I do not like this nurse at all. So, I've put my information in to talk to the nurse manager to see if we can't get a new one.
There will be more later.
Keep praying.
Love you guys.
Tiffany - Chloe's Aunt

1 comment:

  1. We are all praying... remember GOD IS IN CONTROL... and as for the nurse some are there only for money not for the children or for love, but CHLOE has GOD the great doctor taking care of her..
