Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I'm going to try it this way. I will put these pictures in the order they were taken. Now, please be aware that they may be upsetting to see. You can not hold me responsible if you cry or get sad. (: Just keep in mind that she's totally better now! Thanks.

At home before hospital stay:

Weekend before her surgery:
(At this time, she was having at least 35 seizures a day. The surgeron told us that if she didn't have the surgery right away, that she may have one and it would be fatal.)

The morning of her surgery, Jeremy couldn't stop crying. He was constantly praying and his tears were flowing. It's hard seeing my brother that way. But, he got better after the first phone call that said she was doing great in the surgery.

The night after her left hemispherectomy at 10:30pm:
After I saw her like this, I went out where no one could see me and I cried harder than I've cried over Chloe. Jeremy was so strong this night. He came and hugged me and told me it was ok. God brought her through the surgery and she was going to be fine. You just don't know how something like that will effect you.

Day 2:
Poor baby is so swollen. They had to place this wash cloth by her mouth because she kept throwing up. She's so precious.

Day 3:
What a difference a day makes!

Day 4:
She's getting a bath by her mommy. Here are the best pictures I could do of her incision. Note that she has a bubble on the left side of her head. It has gone down now and looks really good!

Day 5:
First time she looks at the camera!!

Day 6:

Day 7:
This is the day we left the ICU room!

Look at this beautitul family! Look closely, she's holding Jeremy's finger.

This is the day we got to go home!

Long time coming update!

Hello everyone!

First let me apologize for the delay in this update. Things around here have been so crazy. But, it's better now and Chloe is doing so great! It's like God has given us a new baby!

For my myspace friends who have seen her pictures on there. Look in her eyes. Is there ever a picture where she's looking at the camera? Is there ever a picture where she looks like she's with us and not a veggietable? I don't think so. Dominique doesn't think so. Now check out this picture!


Here she is with her Daddy looking right at the camera! This was on thanksgiving. We're so excited! She laughs. She coos. (spelling) She holds our fingers with both hands. She's truly a miracle!

We're still praying for her full recovery. I'm working on getting these pictures on here.. So bare with me please!

Love you guys!
Tiff Tiffy Tiff Tiff