Friday, November 21, 2008

Today has been a great day!

Hello again everyone.
I'm sitting here in the computer room of the 5th floor of Vanderbilt Hospital hoping to pass the night away. I currently am without a place to sleep tonight. It seems all the sleep rooms were taken. So, to my dismay, it's either sit here for as long as I can, or go into the waiting room and try to sleep with 8 or more strangers with an unpleasant smell overtaking my nose. You know, the kind of smell that makes your nose tingle without a comforting sneeze? Yeah.. It's horrible. So, I'm willing to fight off sleep and I'll sleep tomorrow. Anyway.
To the real important person: Chloe! I'm so thankful what God is doing with her these past few days after this major surgery she went through. Before surgery, the surgeon told us that afterward Chloe may be paralyzed on her right side temporary. Well, she's not. Before the surgery, Chloe was delayed in focusing on you. Looking to find you when you spoke to her. Following a toy to see it where ever it went. And today we tried all those things with Chloe. She did them all!!!! I'm so very excited for her! I wish I was on my computer so that I could show all you guys the amazing things that she is doing! Her looks, her movement, her smiles. She's a beautiful baby girl. I'm so proud of her.
So, the important news that we have gotten tonight is that if she does well during the night, which I'm assuming that she will, she will get to go up stairs. Out of ICU which will be wonderful. She sat up today and was moving her head around to look for Dominique and I when we spoke to her. Her fever has gone down but is somewhat creeping back up. But, God is going to take care of that. She has had alot of the machines taken off of her. So, we're very excited about that as well.
Again, thank you guys so much for your prayers. And keep checking back, cause you never know when I'll be able to put pictures and videos up here. So, Love you guys alot!
Tiffany - Auntie :)

1 comment:

  1. I hate that this beautiful baby is having to go through such things in life so early, but she seems like a true fighter! We'll continue to pray for her and can't wait to come back to read more awesome news!

    Sabrina, Randy, & Bella Winship
